Saturday, October 20, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Today, we took Patrick to the pumpkin patch. He seemed to enjoy admiring the big orange things! Check us out!

Our Walk

Patrick hasn't been too crazy about riding in his big boy stroller for walks until today. I fixed it up so that he could sit up in it and see the world. We walked around the neighborhood and he loved it! He even took a long nap in it when we got back home! Here's a picture of him in his big boy stroller!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Happy Birthday, Great Grandma Frances!

Patrick helped celebrate Great Grandma's birthday today. We had a "suprise" pizza and ice cream cake party. By the time we got the the ice cream cake, Patrick was just angry that we weren't sharing with him! Poor guy!

He was, however, fascinated by her birthday hat and even laughed at it a couple of times!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Click on the link below and see Patrick, 2 of his Great-Grandmas, and his cousin Merrick square dancing. I apparently have too much time on my hands and need to go back to work!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Back to work soon...

Patrick and I went in for a visit at school today. It was nice to see everyone, but it made me realize how soon I have to go back. I have just a little over 2 weeks left of maternity leave. I can't believe how fast the time has gone! :(

I'll be so sad to leave Patrick, but know he will be in good hands (my mom's for now)!

Here's a good picture of Patrick and my Uncle Jamie, who he finally met a couple of weeks ago.

And, one of Patrick and my grandma!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

How we spend our mornings...

Patrick loves to play in the mornings! Here is a short clip of him playing on his Baby Einstein mat. He loves the red bird and is starting to bat at it on his own. So cute!

Sunday, October 7, 2007


We had a fun Saturday watching UT crush UGA! We went to a restaurant called Taco Mac to watch the game. Patrick loves loud restaurants (just like his mommy), so he had a great time! When we got home, I tried to get a cute picture of him in his UT attire, but by the time I got my camera ready he had fallen asleep. So, of course I tried to wake him up and this is what I got!

We went out to breakfast this morning and then ran some errands and when we got home, I decided to put Patrick in his Baby Bjorn, so that I could get some cleaning done. He is now able to sit in it facing forward since he has such great neck control. I took him into the bathroom so that he could look in the mirror and when he locked eyes with himself, he started cracking up. It was like, "OOOHHHH, so that's ME!!!". It was very cute and I ran and got my camera. He smiled again at himself in the mirror, but I couldn't quite capture it as well as I would have liked. Here's what I got!

Friday, October 5, 2007


All happy and ready for the doctor. Poor guy has no idea what is about to happen!

Daddy and Patrick sleeping off the shots. :(

Well, Patrick was having a great day until the mean lady at the doctor's office stuck 3 needles into his little legs. Poor baby! He and dad are sleeping it off as I write. He did get some big boy band-aids to wear so that was cool.
This afternoon, our neighbors came by with their little baby who is just 2 weeks older than Patrick. His name is Martin and he and Patrick are sure to be great pals in a couple of years!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Another happy day!

Patrick sleeping in his cradle on his first night home from the hospital

Patrick's earlier bedtime seems to be making a big difference in how he feels during the day. Yeah! He's been such a happy baby yesterday and today. Today, we met my friend Erica and her 11 month little girl, Julia for lunch. Patrick slept through most of lunch, but woke up and expressed his dismay when he found us shopping. We had to rush home so he could have his lunch! Our pediatrician told us that at around 8 weeks, Patrick should start sleeping in his own room. He has been sleeping in our room in a cradle that my dad made for him. Well, he is 9 weeks today, so tonight is the night! I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow. He also has to go for his first set of shots tomorrow. :(

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Patrick is 2 months old!

Our boy is growing so fast! He turned 2 months yesterday! We spent the day visiting at GG and Grandad's, while Devin flew to Austin for work. I decided that Patrick needs an earlier bedtime, so I put him to bed at 8:30 last night (he was previously going to bed at 10:00 and getting really tired and grumpy during the day). He slept straight through until 1:45 and then woke up every 3 hours from then on. He does seem to be happier this morning, so we'll keep with the change! Here is a video that GG took of Patrick "talking" back to us. I swear he says "Hi!" after we say it to him!