Saturday, April 12, 2008

Travelin' Man...

Patrick's first trip to Costa Rica was a blast! He was a bit skeptical of the huge waves at first, but by the end of the week, he laughed when they came at him. He loved hanging out in the tide pools early in the morning. Here are just a few pictures from our trip. I'll try to add a video later - blogger is acting up tonight!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

8 Months Old!!!

For Patrick's 8 month birthday, he got his 2 front teeth, a visit to the doctor's office, a double ear infection, a perforated ear drum, and a shot in the leg. No, it wasn't the best day of his life! The amazing thing is that through all of this he kept smiling and laughing. I happened to notice some drainage from his ear when I picked him up from his sitter and since he had a fever on Monday, I decided it was time to see the doctor. I didn't torture him with too many pics, but here is what I got!